12 Apr 4 Applicable Automation Approaches That Can Boost Your Productivity
As the automation tide gets ready to wash the shores of the business landscape, one has to get ready to ride the tide. There is a lot of talk about automation business software solutions, but it seems that people are still reluctant to implement it.
You should know that automation software designed for business purposes is made to be easy to use. This means that everyone, even someone with no technical background can jump right into it and configure the most complex operations with ease.
Here are the four applicable automation approaches that can boost your productivity the very moment you implement this software in your organization’s day-to-day activities.
Automate The Use of Business Apps
It’s 2018 and with all the popular business trends taking root in this landscape, it’s next to impossible to find a business today that doesn’t use at least one of the popular enterprise apps. Some of these apps are SAP, Office, Citrix, Oracle, and so on. Using these apps to do countless repetitive tasks on a daily basis takes a big chunk of productivity across all your departments.
Business automation solutions are built on the foundations of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This means that the automation bots can be configured to automate the everyday use of your business apps. Your employees would normally require a large amount of time to do this, but now they save all this time and spend it on core business processes.
With more time and energy, your employees will be able to be more productive. Since automation software is easy to configure, you can automate tasks in apps that have been specifically built for your business. This makes its use even more attractive for unique business models with fine-tuned business logic.
Build Spreadsheets With Ease
We have addressed boring and repetitive tasks in general. Let me introduce you to one which not only affects the productivity of your staff, but also leaves plenty of room for error – copy and paste.
In the business world, reports are quite often created in spreadsheet form. This offers the convenience of using data visualization, so that the information can be easily communicated during meetings. While the management of this data for startups may seem sustainable down the line, once the data starts to pile up, it may require hundreds of copy and paste actions for the reports to be complete.
The feature that automates the copy and paste action is called screen scraping. I’m sure that you will find numerous productivity boosting applications for it, simply because it’s capable of copying data displayed on any screen and pasting it into the app you configure it to.
Speed Up the Digitization of Your Documents
If you decide to switch to any of the cloud computing solutions, you will have to translate all of your documents into digital form. And by this I don’t mean to scan it and upload uneditable text jpegs. Since at some point you will have to revisit your policies, plans and other business documents and edit them, these documents have to be translated and uploaded into an appropriate format.
The manual digitization process is an overwhelming task. This is where another automation process can be of great assistance. All that workforce assigned to typing and uploading documents can work on core business tasks while the automation software does it. You wonder how?
The latest solutions in the Optical Character Recognition field have made this solution available to all of us. Backed up with machine learning, OCR can convert any data and in any language into digital form. On top of that, machine learning makes this process even more accurate and streamlined over time.
Automate Your Business Processes
I have saved the best productivity booster of all for the end – business process automation. This software is completely capable of learning your business logic, automating the actions in the process workflow, and over time, learning how to improve your judgement.
Process design is really simple. All you have to do is use a simple drag-and-drop editor to design your business process. From that point on, the artificial intelligence takes charge of the segments you appointed it to. By doing so, you will not only boost productivity across the entire organization, but also increase accuracy and remove risks in process execution.
These are the four applicable automation approaches that can take your productivity to an entirely new digitized level. As you can see, automation solutions are not only capable of helping you with boring and repetitive tasks, but will also allow you to automate, improve and optimize your business processes.