25 Mar Insect Intruders – How Are Creepy Crawlies Getting Into Your Home?
Having unwanted guests get into your home is a common problem everyone goes through, but not necessarily something everyone knows how to deal with. How do we keep these creepy crawlies at bay? Here are a few simple tips to deter these unwanted house guests.
Seal up
The most common way insects come in is through open areas. On a simple level, keeping doors and windows closed will keep most bugs out. However, sometimes we need to keep them open, especially during the warmer months. So, investing in fly wire for your windows and fly screen doors is an excellent idea, as they allow you to have air flow through your home whilst keeping the bugs out.
If you want to take this a step further, grab some caulk and seal any cracks in walls, between baseboards, the floor, or around cabinets. Doing this will help prevent them from entering and laying eggs in small, hard areas.
Clutter gives bugs the perfect small hidy home to live in and breed, and once they get inside, you won’t find them unless you clean. By cleaning up clutter, not only are you reducing the number of hiding spaces for bugs, but you are also making it easier to determine where infestations are faster and to clean or exterminate your home in the future.
In particular, toss piles of magazines, newspapers, cardboard boxes and even bags; these tend to attract lurking silverfish.
On clothes
Insect larvae can cling and grow on your clothing if they aren’t washed regularly. Even if they have been sitting in your closet, if there are moths in there, you can bet their larvae is on your clothing. If you have any vulnerable fabrics, dry-clean or wash them on the hottest setting the garment will allow. Insects, such as moths, love to feast on protein-rich sweat, blood and food particles, so keep your clothes clean and separated from your dirty laundry.
Brought in
As much as we love people and pets coming round, they can bring in creepy crawlies with them. Dogs especially can bring in many insects, such as fleas, ticks, bot flies, mosquitoes, and kissing bugs. Some of these insects will not only be pests, but can harm your pets as well, some resulting in a serious illness or death if left untreated for too long.
To battle this, keep your house clean and tidy and invest in at-home protection, such as pest control spray bombs. Always have insect spray and buy flea and insect treatments for your pets to help protect them too.
Your neighbourhood
If you live closer to the city, you are less likely to come into contact with a lot of bugs. However, the further out you live, the more likely you are to come into contact with bugs, especially termites. To combat bugs like that, getting your home regularly checks and treated is the best way to go. Also, ask your neighbours whether they’ve had termites, or if the area is prone to termite colonies.
Bugs aren’t as polite as people. They won’t just come in through the front door; they will find any entry point into your home and take it. If you have a damaged wall, ceiling, or even a small cerack under your house, bugs will get in. Checking your home regularly for any breaks and getting them repaired as quick as possible is the best method to protect your home.
Following these tips can help you protect your home and family from creepy crawlies and let you sleep in peace.